Curriculum, Instruction, & Accountability » Documents & Links

Documents & Links

Curriculum Department Documents & Links

Coming soon!

Below are the Student Handbooks for Chromebook use in Bay City ISD.  It is the responsibility of the parent and students to read the entire document and sign the last page for the 2023-2024 school year. 


Elementary Chromebook Student Handbook (PDF for PK-5th Grade)

VIDEO Overview for PK-5th Grade

Secondary Chromebook Student Handbook (PDF for6th-12th Grade)

VIDEO Overview for 6th - 12th Grade


Manual del estudiante de Chromebook de primaria (PDF for PK-5th Grade)

Descripción general del VIDEO para PK-5th Grade

Manual del estudiante de Chromebook secundario (PDF for 6th-12th Grade)

Descripción general del VIDEO para 6th - 12th Grade 

District & Campus Improvement Plans

District of Innovation Plan

Bay City ISD will host a public meeting of the Educational Improvement Council on Feb. 1, 2022, and will consider renewal and amendment of our District of Innovation plan. 

Educational Improvement Council

Bay City ISD will host a public meeting of the Educational Improvement Council on Feb. 1, 2022, and will consider renewal and amendment of our District of Innovation plan. 

Ratings and Scores

The Texas Education Agency is charged with assessing public school students on what they have learned and determining district and school accountability ratings. One of two academic ratings is assigned to each district and campus: Met Standard or Improvement Required. 

The state academic accountability system underwent an overhaul under House Bill (HB) 22 (85th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2017). The overall design of the accountability system evaluates performance according to three domains: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps. Below is a brief description of each Domain.

  • Student Achievement – evaluates performance across all subjects for all students, as well as College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators, and graduation rates (high school and district level reports).
  • Student Progress – measures district and campus outcomes in two areas:
    • Part A - Student Growth: The number of students that grew at least one year academically as measured by STAAR results
    • Part B - Relative Performance: The achievement of all students relative to districts or campuses with similar economically disadvantaged percentages.
  • Closing the Gaps – uses disaggregated data to demonstrate differentials among racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and other factors. The indicators included in this domain, as well as the domain's construction, align the state accountability system with the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

For more information about the state accountability system, visit the TEA Accountability Rating System website

Districts and campuses that receive an accountability rating of A, B, C, or D are eligible to earn distinction designations. Distinction designations are awarded for achievement in several areas and are based on performance relative to a group of campuses of similar type, size, grade span, and student demographics.

Distinction Designations For 2019, distinction designations are awarded in the following areas:

  • Academic Achievement in English Language Arts/Reading (campus only)
  • Academic Achievement in Mathematics (campus only)
  • Academic Achievement in Science (campus only)
  • Academic Achievement in Social Studies (campus only)
  • Top 25 Percent: Comparative Academic Growth (campus only)
  • Top 25 Percent: Comparative ClosingtheGaps (campus only)
  • Postsecondary Readiness (district and campus)

The Distinction Designation Reports show one of the following labels for each distinction designation:

Distinction Earned
The district or campus is ratedA, B,C,orDand meets the criteria for the distinction designation.

No Distinction Earned
The district or campus is rated F or does not meet the criteria for the distinction designation.

Not Eligible
The district or campus does not have results to evaluate for the distinction designation, is not rated, is evaluated by alternative education accountability (AEA) provisions, or is a campus paired with a feeder campus for accountability evaluation.

No, it is important to note that distinction designations cannot be used to compare Bay City ISD campuses to each other. Each campus has its own unique comparison group comprised of campuses from around the state. The group may or may not include other BCISD campuses, so an BCISD campus with six distinction designations or “gold stars” may be in an entirely different comparison group than a BCISD campus with no stars.
Each campus is assigned to a unique comparison group comprised of Texas schools that are most similar to it. To determine the campus comparison group, each campus is identified by school type then grouped with 40 other campuses from anywhere in Texas that are most similar in grade levels served, size, percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged, mobility rate, percentage of English learners, percentage of students receiving special education services, and percentage of students enrolled in an Early College High School program. Each campus has only one unique campus comparison group. There is no limit on the number of comparison groups to which a campus may be a member. It is possible for a campus to be a member of no comparison group other than its own or a member of several comparison groups.
A campus earns a distinction designation if it is in the top quartile (Q1) of its comparison group for at least 33 percent (for high schools and K–12 campuses) or 50 percent (for elementary and middle schools) of the indicators used to award the distinction.

Grading Guidelines